Chuck Davis Sr. is a Senior Consultant with Process Coaching Incorporated.
A 1970 graduate of Lawrence Technological University with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Chuck served in the
Army then spent the early part of his career as a Product Test and Development engineer at Ford.
Later he became a Quality and Regulatory engineer and manager for Nissan during their “Green Field” startup in Tennessee.
He is a member of SAE and while at Nissan was elected to the SAE Board.
Since the factory was the first transplant of its type in the USA, it had every facet of vehicle production under one roof.
This provided Chuck a wide range of experience in the total operation.
The Nissan Production System (Lean Manufacturing) is a central part of the Nissan experience. Chuck worked in a variety of
supervisory and managerial positions, eventually becoming the Team Director for Supplier Development, where he was responsible
for training supplier improvement teams. These teams went to the suppliers’ locations, taught Lean technologies, identified
target location, and helped to conduct model projects with the suppliers. This experience has been then foundation of Chuck’s
consulting success.
Since becoming a consultant, Chuck's commitment to assisting companies “be all they can be” has extended to clients in automotive,
healthcare, machining, fabricators and other industries, leading them to significant improvements in productivity and profitability.